Friday, November 11, 2011

Stage 2 of Paintings for "Get Your Paint On-Beyond the Basics" online class

Not sure if anyone will see it, but I did some research on fertility symbols around the world.  With some of those images in my subconscious, I began to sketch out the above figures in my two paintings for Get Your Paint On-Beyond the Basics.  This is stage 2, just beyond the underpainting.  I am not sure what they will look like when they are completed.  Will I paint anything out?  Will I bring something in particular to the front of the painting?  Usually when I create, I completely trust the process and am in a "zone".  Sometimes things appear to me as I work.  Some people call this creative voice, creative vision, God, Spirit, etc.  What happens when you create?  Do you pre-plan your work, or create in the moment as you are guided?  I'd love to hear about your process, as creativity is fascinating to me.

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